Genome-wide CRISPR Screening
This group can help you harness the power of high-throughput, pooled lentiCRISPR screens to rapidly identify novel pathways and druggable targets in your system of interest.
- Using pooled screening, the entire genome can be screened in a single cell culture vessel.
- Either the entire genome or a subset of genes can be screened
- Targeted genes can either be knocked out, targeting an exon for a nonsense mutation, (lentiCRISPR KO library) or transcriptionally repressed (lentiCRISPRi library)
- Using lentivirus, a Cas9 expression cassette and a sgRNA sequence is integrated into the genome. This sgRNA sequence is then read out at the conclusion of the experiment to generate your screen results.
- The Source for Advanced Genome Editing has access to special pricing for pooled lentiCRISPR libraries through Millipore-Sigma for use across campus.
- AGE can work with team to procure lentiCRISPR libraries, construct the optimal screening conditions, and successfully execute your screening experiment
Varies by experiment